School Lunches
The School Meals Programme provides all pupils with a free lunch. The lunch scheme, operated on behalf of the school by a Freshtoday delivers the lunches early every morning.
Pupils are supplied with a packed lunch that covers small break and big break. Free standing water filter systems are in all classrooms and pupils refill their personal beakers (supplied by the school) throughout the school day. The online menu at is accessible to you and your child using a unique log-in code allocated to every pupil. The menu is extensive with lots of healthy food options to choose from every week.
Contact Ken Horgan, Freshtoday @ 087 444 4714 if you have forgotten or lost your child’s unique log-in code.
Contact the school secretary if you are a parent/guardian of a newly enrolled pupil and have not received your child’s unique log-in code. SEND IN A LUNCH FROM HOME IF YOU ARE STILL WAITING FOR YOUR LOG-IN CODE.
All pupils will receive a free lunch including general food items while you are waiting for your unique code.
Pupils are permitted to supplement or opt out of the free school lunches. However some food and drink items are not permitted in our school. These include
- Crisps (including crisp-style snacks)
- Sugary drinks (including fizzy fruit-flavoured water, fruit juices, etc.)
Cans and glass are not permitted for safety reasons.
- Sweets
- Chewing gum
- Fruit winders
- Chocolate biscuits/bars
- Biscuits/bars
- Cereal bars
- Lollipops
Grapes in Infant classes and nuts in all classes are not permitted on account of choking or allergy concerns.
If the food items above are brought to school, pupils will be asked by the teacher to bring them home.