Reminder that the school will close at 12.30pm on this Friday 8th April for all classes for the start of the Easter holidays. The school will reopen on Monday 25th April.
Parents Association: You are invited to attend a meeting of parents where a new Parents Association Committee will be elected. Date for your diary Tuesday 3rd May @7pm in the school.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all the pupils who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday last. Thank you to Bishop Paul, Fr. Paul and staff members and parents who helped in any way.
Confession: Congratulation to the pupils in 2nd class who recently made their First Confession. Thank you to Fr. Paul and staff members who helped in any way.
Mass servers from our school recently started serving mass in the Cathedral. Many thanks to the pupils who have volunteered.
School Marching Band won the school award for best entry at the recent St. Patrick’s Day parade in Ballaghaderreen. Thank you to everyone is has helped get the band marching again. The band will participate in the fundraiser for the Ozanam Centre, Ballaghaderreen on Friday 29thh April @ 8pm in the Cathedral.
Football and Hurling interschool competitions start just after Easter. The school will field boys’ and girls’ teams made up of pupils from 4th, 5th and 6th classes. A huge thank you to Andy Moran who continues to coach pupils in 1st and 2nd class very week.
Run Around Ireland is a daily fitness challenge during school time for all classes over the next weeks. Encourage your child to get active and get involved in local clubs.
Award for 5th Class: Well done to the class on their recent ESB Science BLAST award and a win in the ‘I am an Engineer’ competition run by Waterford Institute of Technology.
Creative Arts project is running in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes. An artist works with the pupils to create an art work for display in the school.
‘Peace Day’ fundraiser: The pupils and staff recently organised a successful fundraiser in response to the ongoing Ukrainian refugee crisis. €1275.00 was raised! Congratulations to everyone and thank you to families who contributed
Goodbye to two Syrian sisters in 5th and 6th class who have moved recently to a new home and school in Drogheda. The classes had a lovely send off and gifts for the girls as we sadly said our goodbyes.
Enrolment is closed for school year ahead.
New electronic classroom whiteboards costing €16K installed last week in four classrooms. Over the past three years all whiteboards in the school have been upgraded. The school will now buy another set of x16 ipads.
New poly tunnel is starting to be used by the pupils to support their literacy, numeracy ad science learning. Please contact Orla Higgins @ 086 793 0566 if you can help out in any way.
New school building plan is being finalised by the school’s design team. Once ready, we look forward to sharing the with you. Classrooms, special education rooms and parking will be included.
Some new class teachers will be granted by the Department of Education to the school. They will start in September and will mean lower class sizes for many of our pupils.
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) lessons for 5th and 6th class pupils will be taught during term 3 as part of the SPHE curriculum. Please email your child’s class teacher to let them know if you do not want your child to participate. The school will keep your email on file.
Transition programme to support 6th class pupils to get ready for post-primary school will be taught in term 3.
Finally, please…
keep your child and other children safe. Do not park in front of the school. Drop off and collect only. Thank you to everyone who follows these directions.
make sure your child wears the school uniform every day.