Curriculum & Assessment
The Primary School Curriculum , Department of Education and Skills (1999), informs all aspects of teaching and learning in our school.
The curriculum is presented in seven areas.
Language: Gaeilge and English
Social, environmental and scientific education (SESE): history, geography and science
Arts education: visual arts, music and drama
Physical education
Social, personal and health education (SPHE)
As a school with a Catholic ethos, Religious education is also taught. The Grow in Love Religious Education Programme is used. Roman Catholic pupils are prepared for the sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Assessment in primary school is about building a picture over time of a child’s learning progress across the curriculum. The teacher uses different ways to gather evidence about how and what the child learns on an ongoing basis. This information is used to celebrate the child’s current learning and to help make decisions about next steps for future learning. Our school uses a range of assessment supports as part of daily classroom practice. Information from assessments is used by teachers to report about a child’s learning progression to parents at formal and informal parent-teacher meetings and in the annual school report card.
Standardised tests are administered from 1st to 6th class and scores are shared with parents in the child’s report card.
For more details about the assessment tools used in our school, please see the Assessment Policy and the Special Educational Needs Policy.