School Choir
St. Attractas’s has a long tradition of choral singing. Ms. Coyle leads our school choir and fosters a love of singing among the boys and girls. The choir consists of over 60 very enthusiastic pupils from 3rd Class to 6th Class who express an interest in singing. Weekly practise is complemented by after-school workshops when preparing for public performances.
The choir becomes the heart of our school when it performs at the many special occasions during the year. These include the school’s Christmas Carol Service in St. Nathy’s Cathedral, masses to celebrate the start and end of the school year and performances for parents.
As a thank you for the hard work and dedication of our school choir, Ms. Coyle arranges an annual visit in term 3 for the pupils to see a drama production in An Bord Gáis Theatre.
Proud tradition
The school choir is part of the school’s proud tradition in the preforming arts that also includes the school’s marching band and individual public performances by the different classes throughout the year.