Rationale for Homework
Homework in our school helps pupils to…
- consolidate what they learn during the day
- become independent learners
- create a habit of after-school study
- extend their learning (senior classes) e.g. individual/group projects
Homework in our school provides an opportunity for parents/guardians to:
- become actively involved in their child’s learning
- become more aware of how their child’s learning progression.
Homework in our school provides class teachers with an opportunity to:
- assess pupil learning
- assess pupil independence when learning
- extend learning (senior classes)
Homework Expectations
- Homework is usually assigned Monday to Thursday but not at weekends.
- Parents / guardians of children from Senior Infants to 5th class are required to sign the child’s homework notebook each night.
- Parents / guardians of children in 6th class are requested to sign the homework notebook once a week but in certain circumstances they may be asked to sign the notebook more often.
- Parents / guardians are requested to inform the teacher if a child cannot complete all or some of the homework for some reason e.g. family reasons or if a child had difficulty when completing homework. The homework notebook should be used for this purpose.
Guideline target times for homework:
- Junior / Senior Infants: No written homework. Children are required to read and do some word recognition work.
- 1st and 2nd classes: 20 – 30 minutes
- 3rd and 4th classes: 30 – 45 minutes
- 5th and 6th classes: 45 – 60 minutes
- From time to time class teachers may vary the above guidelines.
Advice for Parents
Useful advice about homework is available in Tips for Parents by the National Educational Psychological Service.
It is very important that spellings, tables and other oral work are learned thoroughly and examined by a parent.
Please ensure that your child comes to school fully resourced with a 30 cm ruler, pencil/pen, sharpener, eraser and colouring pencils. Tippex and Permanent Markers are not allowed.