Communication between home and school
ONLY complete and return the Contact Details Update Form IF YOUR CONTACT DETAILS HAVE RECENTLY CHANGED. We share information texts with parents/guardians. To do so, we need at least one active mobile phone number from all families.
Notes from you to the school: Provide your child with a written note…
- to explain all absences
- if homework is not completed due to unforeseen circumstances
- if s/he needs to remain in the sick bay during breaks, due to illness, broken limbs etc.
- Attendance:
- In the event of a child missing 20 days or more, the school is required to inform the Education Welfare Service.
- Attending school regularly ensures that your child is learning. That said, do not send a child who is ill to school.
- Concerns:
- Contact your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns. Write a note to the teacher in your child’s homework diary.
- If necessary, arrange a meeting with the teacher. Make an appointment by contacting the school secretary. .
Home School Community Liaison (HSCL)
Ms. Michelle Igoe is our Home School Community Liaison Co-ordinator (HSCL). Michelle’s mobile phone number for work 086 793 0566. Michelle provides support to you with any issues or queries that may arise relating to your child’s education. She will visit you at your home or, if you prefer, in the school’s Parent Room. Michelle will also provide in-school activities to promote your involvement in your child’s learning.