School Updates Sept. 2019

School Updates Child-safeguarding Policy Review The Child-safeguarding Policy was reviewed in June 2019 by the Board of Management. The reviewed policy and a confirmation review form will be available when our new school website goes live very soon. As part of the overall review process, the BoM invites feedback from parents/guardians in relation to the [...]

2019-09-01T21:32:33+01:00September 1st, 2019|Categories: School Updates|Tags: , |

School updates June 2019

School Buildings: The board of management is continuing to work with Halligan Architects, Charlestown as it prepares to submit a detailed application to the Department of Education and Skills for building works.  School Finances: The Board of Management will provide a summary of the school’s financial statement to all parents in the new school year. [...]

2019-09-05T16:58:35+01:00August 14th, 2019|Categories: School Updates|Tags: , |