School Updates

Child-safeguarding Policy Review

The Child-safeguarding Policy was reviewed in June 2019 by the Board of Management. The reviewed policy and a confirmation review form will be available when our new school website goes live very soon. As part of the overall review process, the BoM invites feedback from parents/guardians in relation to the school’s compliance with the requirements of the child safeguarding requirements of the ‘Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools 2017. 

New staff members

We welcome the new members of staff who were appointed during the summer holidays. 

  • Ms. Avril Carr who will teach 1st Class with Ms. Higgins as job sharing teacher partners for this school year. Parents of children in First Class are invited to a class meeting in the school with Ms. Higgins and Ms. Carr on Monday 9th Sept. @ 2.30pm.
  • Ms. Ciara Cooney who will join our team of Special Needs Assistants (SNA) for this school year.
  • You will recall that Ms. Catriona Groarke will join the school staff on a permanent basis as the teacher for 2nd Class for this school year. Mr. Fallon will teach 5th Class and Ms. Basquil Regan will work as a special education teacher.
  • Mr. Fearghal Hughes who will teach 4th Class for this school year.

Junior Infants

Junior Infants pupils end class at 12.00 every school day from Fri. 30th August to Fri. 13th September. Junior Infants class will end at 2.00pm from Monday 16th September. 

From 30th August, all other classes end at 3.00pm as normal. Senior Infants end at 2.00pm as normal.

New website

The school’s new website will go live very soon. Watch out for regular news updates, school policies, a school calendar, learning resources for pupils and practical information for parents. Watch out web pages for every class where teachers will celebrate children’s learning. The website will translate in any language at the press of a button. Please see the Photo/Video Form attached. 

After-school clubs

A trial after-school club for speech and drama will be run in the school’s G.P Room by a fully qualified speech and drama tutor. The tutor, Sandra Kilner, is Garda vetted. The trial club will run for three weeks: 23rd & 30th September & 7th October. Lessons will run from 3pm to 4pm and are designed to bring out a child’s individual creativity. The club has a capacity for 20 pupils. It is open to all pupils from 3rd to 6th class on first come first serve basis. The lessons will cost 2 euro per lesson. The school will subsidise the remainder of the cost. Contact Sandra Kilner @ 089 402 5343 if you wish your child to participate.   

Details about a daily homework club will be shared with you soon.