Sixth Class Virtual Graduation – 24 June 2020

We are looking forward to our 6th Class Virtual graduation on Wednesday 24th June. Enjoy some of the music pre-recorded for the graduation. Thanks Leah, Anne-Mai, Hannah, Katlyn and Aaron for recording the music. Thank you also to Ms. Coyle and Marian for your help with these recordings. Aaron is singing the old Irish blessing [...]

2020-07-26T19:49:11+01:00June 16th, 2020|Categories: School Events|Tags: , , |

Sport & Music Sept. 2019

Sports and Music Lessons in music, gymnastics, tennis and soccer will be provided by visiting tutors/coaches at different times during the year as a part of the normal timetabling for the music curriculum and PE curriculum. These lessons will complement the class teacher’s music and PE lessons. Swimming lessons will also be organised for the [...]

2019-09-01T21:23:37+01:00September 1st, 2019|Categories: School Updates, Well-Being and Sports|Tags: , |