Irish Times Journalist Visits St. Attracta’s_Feb. 2020

Niamh Towey, Irish Times journalist and former past pupil visited the pupils in 5th Class and 6th Class. Niamh talked about her work as a journalist. Watch this video made especially for the St. Attracta's pupils by the Irish Times. It takes us through the busy offices where we meet some well known national journalists [...]

2020-07-26T19:40:12+01:00July 26th, 2020|Categories: Literacy, School Events, Uncategorised|Tags: , , |

3rd Class_Country in Focus_Sample projects submitted_June 2020

Last week's distance learning theme for our 3rd Class pupils was 'A  Country in Focus'. Here are some samples submitted by Julia, Mia and Mischa. These videos, slides and photos really bring your chosen countries to life. Thanks to all the pupils who submitted their projects.

2020-06-07T15:48:57+01:00June 7th, 2020|Categories: Literacy, School Events, School Updates|Tags: |

Book Fair Success_Nov 2019

The recent School Book Fair was a great success. The pupils enjoyed browsing the many books before deciding on a title to buy. The school received a book voucher to the value of 60% of the total sales. We will use this voucher to purchase a graded scheme of high interest fiction and non-fiction books [...]

2019-11-20T22:42:57+00:00November 20th, 2019|Categories: Literacy, School Events, School Updates|Tags: |