Dear Parents and Guardians,

Our school was invited by the Department of Education Inspectorate to participate in a pilot of a new model of inspection. The Inspectorate were grateful for our school’s participation.

As you know, the Inspectorate carried out an inspection of our distance learning provision for our pupils from Monday 22nd February to Friday 26th February. Read the full report here or read the summary below.

Distance learning was in place since 11th January 2021 to 1st March for all classes and is continuing until March 15th 2021 for pupils in 3rd class to 6th class.

Gathering information

During the week the inspectors…

  • Observed a range of video lessons led by class teachers and special education teachers
  • Reviewed pupil work and teacher feedback on our Google Classroom and Seesaw platforms
  • Surveyed parents, pupils and teachers
  • Held online meetings with the Principal and Deputy Principal
  • Met with a teacher focus group
  • Reviewed school plans and policies in support of our remote teaching and learning provision.

Main findings

  • Child Safeguarding checks (modified level one child protection checks) – Fully compliant
  • 6 areas of teaching and learning were inspected. These are detailed below. Our school was described by the inspectors as ‘Very Good’ in all six areas. Inspectors describe the quality of provision in a school along a continuum from ‘Weak’ to Very Good’.

      Area 1: Regular engagement with learners – Very Good

  • Teachers engage regularly with their learners in accordance with the Guidance on Remote Teaching and Learning provided by the Department of Education using the school’s agreed communication methods
  • Teachers assign tasks on a very regular basis

     Area 2: Teaching/Teacher Engagement and Independent Learning Tasks – Very Good

  • Teacher-learner engagement involves both direct teaching by the teacher and the assignment of independent learning tasks
  • Direct instruction is provided for aspects of learning that require it, using a variety of approaches
  • Appropriate demonstrations are provided for practical aspects.
  • Assignment of independent learning tasks including completion of written samples, practical tasks in the home, photographs, audio and video recordings, presentations, project work.

     Area 3: Appropriate and engaging learning opportunities – Very Good

  • Teachers ensure that the chosen learning tasks give learners an opportunity to demonstrate their learning in a clear and concise way
  • The nature and number of tasks assigned take into account the fact that learners are doing this work from home within a range of contexts
  • Teachers meaningfully differentiate content and activities appropriate to the remote learning environment in order to cater for the varying needs and abilities of learners

    Area 4: Appropriateness of learning tasks – Very Good

  • Learners’ learning tasks are specifically aligned to the needs of the learners and to support high quality learning from home;
  • Learning tasks are designed to enable the teacher to monitor progress and give constructive, developmental feedback to support the next stages in their learning.
  • Learning tasks support age-appropriate self-management and organisational skills in a remote learning environment; how learners manage records of their work and feedback of their work from teachers; how can teachers’ feedback be accessed in the pupil’s future learning

Area 5: Two-way feedback between home and school – Very Good

  • Schools provide regular two-way feedback between teachers and learners and, where appropriate between teachers and parents/guardians
  • Schools provide manageable and accessible opportunities for all learners to regularly share samples of their work with the class teacher
  • Teachers ensure that work received is corrected and relevant feedback is provided in written, oral audio, video formats using the school’s platform with a view to impacting on future teaching and task allocation

    Area 6: Support for learners with Special Educational Needs – Very Good

  • Learning tasks provided are aligned to the priority learning needs identified in learners’ individual and group support plans
  • Learning tasks are communicated with additional guidance for parents/guardians of learners


  • Acceptable User Policy to be amended to include a graduated range of interventions where a pupil may not be fully participating in an online video lesson.
  • When appropriate, teachers could explore the use of other differentiation strategies.