The school inspector visited our school on 7th June. This advisory visit was requested by the school. The inspector offered advice on our three year school improvement plan. The plan includes improvement targets for literacy, numeracy and the use of digital technologies in learning. 

Literacy and Numeracy: In term 2 and 3 of this year, every class teacher agreed to improve how children make oral reports and how they approach maths problems using identified strategies. Progression is being observed across the two areas. From September, we will continue to develop these areas in classrooms. Further improvement priorities in Literacy and for Numeracy will be worked on next year. 

Digital Learning: Every school is required to draft a Digital Learning Plan. The plan sets out steps the school will take to embed the greater use digital learning in every classroom. This year the school spent over €8000 on new i-pads, apps and training in support of this plan. This investment has supported the teachers to focus on making greater use of digital technologies to support pupil learning in literacy and numeracy. Pupils are also taking first steps in coding as they develop computational thinking using Buebots and LegoWeDo. Next year the school will purchase new laptops in support of our Digital Learning Plan. 

Parents will continue to receive updates on the implementation of the school improvement plan.