Quiz Teams

The St. Attracta’s  Class quiz teams have enjoyed great success at local, regional and national competitions over the past years. We are grateful to the current quiz coach, Mr. Hughes, and the former quiz coach, Mr. Satchwell.

Recent achievements

2023 / 2024

County Champions Mayo Cumann na mBunscol Quiz. Massive congratulations to Alex, Ciarán, James & Kaylan and their team coach Mr. Hughes. The team will represent Mayo in the Connaught Final on 19th March.

Area Champions Mayo Cumann na mBunscol Quiz.

Roscommon Credit Union Schools’ Quiz Runners-up


Cumann na mBunscoil County Final April 2023 – 2nd Place (only a one point gap with the 1st placed team!!)

Cumann na mBunscoil Area Final February 2023 – First Place (98/100 score)

Roscommon Credit Union Schools’ Quiz Final January 2023 – Second Place  (joint first before tie break question)


Ballaghaderreen Credit Union Schools’ Quiz Winners

County Roscommon Library Quiz Winners (2nd)

Chapter Level Credit Union Quiz Runners Up


2019 Ballaghaderreen Credit Union Schools’ Quiz Winners

2018 Roscommon County Library Quiz Winners 

2018 Chapter Level Credit Union Quiz Winners


2018 Ballaghaderreen Credit Union Schools’ Quiz Winners 

2017 Roscommon County Library Quiz Winners 

  • Quiz Teams