Parent Association

Become an active member

As a parent or guardian of a child in our school, you are automatically part of the Parent Association! You will be informed of meeting dates by a text from the school. 

At the start of every school year a new Parent Association Committee is formed. Please come along to the AGM early in term 1 when the new committee is formed every year.

Playing an active role in the school allows you to understand the running of the school and international research has shown that when parents are involved in their child’s education life, their children achieve better outcomes through their school years. It is also a great way to meet new people and make new friends. We encourage you to consider getting involved in any way that you can, we know how busy life can get but the rewards of helping out are huge.

Parent Association

Parent Association Role

The Education Act, 1998 sets down the role of the Parent Association: The Parent Association works with the principal, staff and the board of management to build effective partnership of home and school.

A Parent Association shall promote the interests of the students in a school in co-operation with the board, principal, teachers and students.

To that end, a Parent Association 

  • advises the Principal or the Board of Management on matters relating to the school
  • adopts a programme of activities which will promote the involvement of parents in the operation of the school, in consultation with the principal.

Find out more from the National Parents’ Council here. 

Our Parent Association Committee

Chairperson: Carmel Lunt

Secretary: Martina Hunt

Treasurer: Rose Browne

Parent Association Correspondence

PA AGM October 2020

PA AGM September 2019