
Our mission is to provide high quality learning outcomes for all our pupils in accordance with their evolving individual strengths and needs. 

We strive to provide a safe, happy and learning focused environment where our pupils develop intellectually, spiritually, physically, morally and culturally. The promotion of pupil self-esteem and well-being informs all teaching and learning experiences. 

We support the development and enhancement of the fundamental skills of literacy and numeracy which are crucial for learners to access the curriculum and for their future life chances.

As prerequisites for life and for the workplace in the 21st century, we proactively support our pupils to develop the ability to think critically and creatively, innovate and adapt to change, to work independently and in a team, and to be a reflective learner. A love of learning and an understanding of the importance of life-long learning is actively promoted. 

We nurture our pupils’ sense of identity and belonging. We value and celebrate diversity in our school and foster pupil respect, tolerance and inclusion for their peers regardless of race, gender, religion, or learning need. We promote local, national and global citizenship in our pupils.

The core values underpinning our school community are respect, trust, inclusion and excellence.

  • Mission
  • gaa-girls