

St. Attracta’s is a Catholic school that expresses a set of core values that can be described as human, religious, Christian and Catholic. These gospel values define our educational ethos. The educational vision which flows from these values is one which promotes the dignity, self-esteem and full development of each pupil as a human person. Such a Catholic educational vision is inclusive and respectful of all and confidently engages with people of all beliefs.

In keeping with the Schedule for Catholic Schools, we provide an education based on a living faith together tradition. Together, the Board, the principal and the staff, working with the Patron, the parents and the local parish, model a living human-religious-Christian educational tradition, to nurture the faith of Catholic pupils in a manner that is welcoming to and inclusive of the presence in that Catholic school, of pupils committed to other religious traditions, or none.

Our Christian ethos also permeates the school day through our actions, attitudes and practices:

  • We provide for daily class prayer; the regular celebration of liturgy and the sacraments in school
  • We provide sacred spaces to encourage communal prayer and thanks giving ceremonies that are guided by agreed monthly themes.
  • We create a learning environment where every child is encouraged and enabled to develop to their full and unique potential as human beings.
  • We provide opportunities for pupils to use their gifts for the common good and are committed to work for a more just and caring society e.g. performing music in the local old people’s home; contributing money to good causes; participate in the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
  • We provide a welcoming and inclusive community that is respectful and tolerant of all religious traditions and beliefs.
  • ethos