Thursday 14th December – Carol Service and Nativity Play in Cathedral at 7pm. Pupils from 3rd to 6th classes performing. All are welcome!

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day for all classes as part of our Active School sports event.

Wednesday 20th  December – Class Christmas Performances for Parents. See the times below. Raffle tickets will be on sale at all performances. Please bring some money to buy tickets.

Thursday 21st December – School Christmas Raffle Draw in school – Final days to buy some tickets!

Friday 22nd December – School CLOSES at 12pm for the Christmas holidays.

Monday 8th January – School REOPENS at 9.05am.


Class Christmas Performances for Parents & Grandparents

Raffle tickets will be on sale at all performances. Please bring some money to buy tickets.

9.50am           Fourth Classes

10.20am         Third Classes & Fifth Class (Ms. Callaghan)

11.15am          Second Class (Mrs. Groarke)

12.00              First Class & First / Second Classes

1.30pm           Infants Classes – Junior & Senior Infants

2.10pm           Sixth Classes