What’s Up@Attracta’s_221223

Dear Parents and Guardians,  The newest edition of our school magazine Whats Up @ Attrcatas is out!! Over Christmas enjoy looking back with your child on some of the highlights of the past half term. A hugh thanks to Ceola McDonagh, Mannat Puri, Iman Asif, Abbie Madden, Ciarán Lavin and Sidra Salam and to Ms. [...]

2023-12-22T11:03:55+00:00December 22nd, 2023|Categories: School Events, School Updates|Tags: , , |

Ballagahaderreen Christmas Concert_141223

Dear Parents and Guardians, Here is a link to short video of last night’s school performance at the town’s Christmas concert and carol service. Our pupils were AMAZING. We’re so proud of each and every one. Thank you to our fabulous teachers for preparing them. We're very grateful for all your support in the run [...]

2023-12-15T13:01:50+00:00December 15th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|

Important School Dates in the run up to Christmas _111223

Thursday 14th December - Carol Service and Nativity Play in Cathedral at 7pm. Pupils from 3rd to 6th classes performing. All are welcome! Friday 15th December - Christmas Jumper Day for all classes as part of our Active School sports event. Wednesday 20th  December - Class Christmas Performances for Parents. See the times below. Raffle [...]

2023-12-12T11:14:07+00:00December 11th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: |
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