Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you well as we approach Christmas. I am delighted to share some news with you that will add an extra dash of excitement to our upcoming Christmas celebrations.

In the spirit of giving and fostering a healthy, active lifestyle among our pupils, we are organising a Christmas Raffle Fundraiser. This event promises to be a fantastic opportunity for our school community to come together and support the well-being and development of our children.

The Christmas Raffle will feature an array of incredible prizes generously sponsored by our school suppliers. Among the exciting prizes are bicycles, a PlayStation, sports equipment, and hampers that will undoubtedly make this holiday season even more special.

Tickets for the raffle will be available for purchase soon, and we encourage you to participate in this fundraising initiative. All funds raised will be dedicated to providing our pupils with additional sports activities in the months of January and February. We are thrilled to announce that Fitness Ireland will be partnering with us to offer Gymnastics and Aerobic Boxing for all classes over seven weeks. These sessions will be seamlessly integrated into the regular PE timetable, ensuring that every pupil gets a chance to experience the joy of physical activity.

The enthusiasm among the children is palpable, and we believe that these additional sports activities will not only contribute to their physical well-being but also enhance their overall school experience. This initiative is a key component of our Active Schools Programme, aiming to instil a love for fitness and healthy living from an early age.

Your support in purchasing raffle tickets will go a long way in making this initiative a resounding success. Let’s create a memorable and active start to the new year for our pupils.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to celebrating Christmas and the success of our Christmas Raffle Fundraiser together.

Noel Loftus
