Your child’s School Calendar 2023-2024 The School Calendar is here on the school website here. We will send home a hard copy in early September. The school will close on Wednesday 28th June at 12.00pm. The school will re-open to all pupils on Thursday 31st August.
Your child’s teacher for 2023-2024 Check the staff link here on our school website.
Your child’s text book, workbooks and copies books ARE FREE. Your child will receive then when we re-open. More information is here.
Your child’s stationery list is NOT FREE. Click here to get your child’s stationery list OR go to First Class Office where the lists are also available. Make sure to get all stationery items before the school re-opens.
Your child’s school charges TO BE PAID cover some photocopying and bus hire costs. The cost PER FAMILY is €50.00 (not per child). Please pay using our E-payments system. On Monday 26th June you will receive a text from the school with a link to make your payment. The €50 can be paid by installments or in full when you receive the link.
Your child’s School Uniform – Your child must have the full uniform on the return to school. Some families have received the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance this month. Please buy the uniform now. Wearing the correct school uniform is part of the school’s Code of Behaviour.
Girls: Grey pinafore or trousers; Light blue shirt / polo shirt; Blue cardigan / jumper
Boys: Grey trousers: Light blue shirt / polo shirt Blue jumper
Boys and Girls: For P.E. / sports – Navy sweat shirt; Red polo shirt, navy tracksuit bottoms -No leggings. – ALL PLAIN – no stripes or logos:
Ties and the iron-on school crest are available at the School Office for 5 euro.
Thank you again for all your support throughout the year. We wish your family a safe, happy and fun filled summer holiday.
Kind regards,
Noel Loftus, Principal