What’s Up @StAttracta’s_School termly magazine_310323

What's Up Attractas_310323  is our termly magazine. Enjoy the photos and new stories from our classes. Thank you to Ella Mai, Kate and Leah, all in 6th class, who drafted this magazine this term.

2023-03-31T10:44:19+01:00March 31st, 2023|Categories: School Updates|Tags: |

St Patrick’s Day 2023

Some videos from St Patrick's Day 2023 https://vimeo.com/810131269 https://vimeo.com/810183075 https://vimeo.com/810192866 https://vimeo.com/810222903 https://vimeo.com/810223172 https://vimeo.com/810505505 https://vimeo.com/810181780

2023-03-22T12:24:39+00:00March 21st, 2023|Categories: Arts, School Events|
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