Survey: 13th – 15th Feb. 2021

Almost 60% response rate. 

Dear Parent(s) and Guardians,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We are delighted to know that everything is working very well. We commend you, your child/ren and our teachers for the contributing to the success of our online teaching and learning. That said, we know that online learning is not the same as classroom learning. While we are waiting to get back into our classrooms, we are using your feedback to further help us with our online teaching and learning. Here’s a summary of some of your feedback and some actions we are now taking.

What we’re getting right according to your responses

  • Child comfortable using Seesaw or Google Classroom 98%
  • Happy with the frequency of work assigned 88%
  • Regular teacher feedback 90%
  • Live video sessions useful 95%
  • Fast broadband at home for video streaming 80%
  • Good communication between teacher and parent 89%

What we’re working on based on your responses

  • Parent Teacher Meetings by phone will start in the week beginning Monday 1st March 2021. Your child’s teacher will arrange these phone meetings.
  • Irish – All class teachers will continue to use pre-recorded video and /or  live video session to support teaching and learning of Irish
  • Overlapping of a small number of video sessions across two classes– Teachers will review the timetabling.