Seesaw and Google Classroom
In the event that a class / a group of pupils in a class may have to isolate for 14 days due to a Covid case, teachers’ have pupils set up with e-portfolios that will support distance learning. For infants to second class they use Seesaw. Google Classroom is used by third to sixth class. In an effort to ensure that pupils are familiar with these platforms, teachers give some homework on Seesaw or Google Classroom.
Keep our school safe from Covid-19
Here is a HSE guide explaining when to send your child to school and when to keep your child at home and phone your GP.
Enrolment for 2020/21- 239 pupils across nine classes (two 3rd classes)
Inspection Report
Our school’s most recent Inspection report to be published on the Dept. website in the next two weeks or so. This report follows a school inspection earlier in the year. The report was delayed because of the Covid-19 school closures. The report highlighted the quality of pupil learning, the quality of teaching and the quality of the school’s self-evaluation process observed by the inspectors during the two-day inspection.
Parents’ Association
St. Attracta’s Parents’ Association had a Zoom meeting zoom on 20th October. The outgoing committee thanked Yelena Ryan for all her hard work and commitment to the Parents’ Association and school over the past years. The 2020/21 PA Committee consists of Chairperson: Karen Casey, Secretary: Freya Salem and Treasurers: Brenda McKenna and Karen Casey. Other committee members include Liz Hanley and Bernie Sharkey. The balance in the Parents’ Association credit union account is €1,259. 50. The annual Christmas Card fundraiser is now underway. All parents are invited to become involved in the Parents’ Association.
Active School Flag
Two weeks ago the school formally submitted an application for the Active School Flag award. This follows the great work done by pupils and teachers during 2019/20. It also includes the work done by parents during the Active Home Week in April and Virtual Sports Day in June. We thank you for heling keep alive our Active Flag efforts when the school had to close in March. The videos and photos shared by some parents on Twitter were greatly welcomed and were important evidence to the Active Flag assessors. Visit our school website to see the Active Flag page showing all our videos and images. Since our return in September, some Active Flag activities continue in every class this year as part of our focus on pupil wellbeing and health.
Chrome books
The school is currently tendering for the supply of new Chrome Books for use by the senior class pupils. The Chrome Books will support Google Classroom learning and the learning of typing skills. Chrome Books are something similar to laptops.
Teaching resources
New purchases of a wider selection of class library books and graded reading schemes to the value of over of €3,000 were made over the past weeks. Additional new i-pads were also purchased. New shelving will be fitted in all classrooms after mid-term to make the class library more appealing to pupils. The shelving is also part of our policy to improve class libraries and to maximise floor area in classrooms by removing free standing shelving etc. Much of the free standing furniture in classrooms was removed off-site to a storage unit.
New classrooms, toilets and ancillary rooms
The Department of Education and Skills has approved funding of €3 million to the school for a major new building project The project will consist of new classrooms and special education units. Fire safety measures will be fitted throughout the school including the existing buildings. Toilet blocks in the existing building will be completed remodelled and upgraded. The tendering process for the design team for this major building project is already underway. The special education units will include two autism units. Additional teachers and SNAs will be appointed when the units open.
Improvement works on the existing building
During the summer Department of Education and Skills funding of €70,000 has allowed us to replace our main new water storage tank and to create two purpose built special education rooms by permanently partitioning an existing large room.
New front wall for the school
The Department of Education and Skills has approved funding to replace the front wall of the school – the white painted section. The wall is crumbling and is no longer safe. Sections are blocked off with plywood. Tendering for the replacement of the wall is already underway.
Car parking at the school
The current Drop & Go arrangements will continue along the school front wall. This is an important apart of the school’s Covid-19 response Plan. We are very thankful to parents for following the new arrangements.
The board of management is working to identify a long term solution to the car parking challenges at the school. We will update you when we have news.
Thank you to all parents who have started to use our new e-payments facility. All future payment requests will be made via e-payments e.g. swimming money. The option to pay with cash will remain for now.
After school clubs and the visited music teacher have stopped for now in line with our Covid-19 Response Plan. Class teachers are continuing to teach music as part of their normal timetable.
Virtual 6th Class Graduation June 2020
A sincere thanks to the Parents’ Association for funding the 2020 pupils’ hoodies. Thank you also for distributing them to the pupils’ homes before the virtual event. Again the school expresses its gratitude to Yelena Ryan outgoing chair of the Parent Association. Yelena’s commitment and energy made sure that the work of the Parents’ Association had a positive impact on the school and pupils in so many ways.