Dear Parents & Guardians,

St. Attracta’s National School will reopen on Monday 31st August. We want to re-open the school in an orderly manner. We want children to feel safe, relaxed and welcome. We need your help to make this happen. Please follow the new procedures below.  Read them very carefully.

Later this week you with receive another update with more information.

Noel Loftus,


Monday 31st August ONLY

Morning time the first day back at school

  1. Arrival times

First Class to Sixth Class (NOT Junior Infants)

  • Arrival from 9:15-9:30: Surnames A-G
  • Arrival from 9:30-9:45: Surnames H-M
  • Arrival from 9:45-10:00: Surnames N-Z

Junior Infants & Senior Infants

  • Arrival @ 10.00am

Read letter send to you already from Ms. McCann and Ms. Henry.

  1. Parking

Do NOT park along the school wall. Park at the Tennis Courts, the Playground, the Soccer Pitch or GAA Pitch. From here, walk your child/children to the school gates.

If you think it is safe from your child to do so, encourage your child to cycle or walk to school. New bike parking racks are now available.

  1. Social Distancing

  • On the footpath keep 2 metres apart from all other parents and teachers.
  • Parents cannot normally enter the school yard or school building.
  • Parents and visitors will only be allowed to enter the school strictly by appointment. Phone the school secretary from 10am to 2.30pm daily to arrange to speak with a staff member.
  1. School gates

  • Junior Infants & and First Class: Main school gate at front door
  • Senior Infants & Second Class: Gate at fire escape
  • Third Class, Fourth Class, Fifth and Sixth Class: Enter via the new gate near staff car park There is a separate opening for every class.
  1. Supervision

  • Teachers will be supervising at every gate. Pupils will follow painted lines to IMMEDIATELY enter and the school and their classrooms. Pupils will NEVER gather in groups in the school playground or play games before school.

Going home the first day back at school

  1. Times

  • 12.00pm* Junior Infants (2.00pm from Monday 14th September)
  • 2:00pm Senior Infants
  • 3.00pm All other classes.
  1. Parking

Do NOT park along the school wall. Park at the Tennis Courts, the Playground, the Soccer Pitch or GAA Pitch. From here, walk to the school gate / near the school gate to collect your child.

  1. Social Distancing

  • On the footpath keep 2 metres apart from all other parents and teachers.
  • Parents cannot normally enter the school yard or school building.
  • Parents and visitors will only be allowed to enter the school strictly by appointment. Phone the school secretary from 10am to 2.30pm daily to arrange to speak with a staff member.
  1. School gates

  • Pupils will leave the school through the same gate that they used in the morning. Teachers will supervise their departure.
  1. Collecting children

  • NEVER gather in groups outside the school gates at any time.
  • For infants: When waiting to collect your child, stand on the painted spots inside the school’s front wall. Remain 2m from other adults.
  • All other classes: Arrange a designated place, away from the school gates, to meet your child (if collecting them).

From Tuesday 1st September and every day after that

Morning time

  1. Arrival times

EVERY CLASS: Arrival from 9:05-9:15. Class starts at 9.20am

  1. Parking

DROP AND GO.  If you need to park, go to the Tennis Courts, the Playground, the Soccer Pitch or GAA Pitch. From here, walk your child/children to the school gates.

  1. Social Distancing

  • On the footpath keep 2 metres apart from all other parents and teachers.
  • Parents cannot normally enter the school yard or school building.
  • Parents and visitors will only be allowed to enter the school strictly by appointment. Phone the school secretary from 10am to 2.30pm daily to arrange to speak with a staff member.
  1. School gates

  • Junior Infants & and First Class: Main school gate at front door
  • Senior Infants & Second Class: Gate at fire escape
  • Third Class, Fourth Class, Fifth and Sixth Class: Enter via the new gate near staff car park There is a separate opening for every class.
  1. Supervision

  • Teachers will be supervising at every gate. Pupils will follow painted lines to IMMEDIATELY enter and the school and their classrooms.

Going home on Tuesday 1st September and every day after that 

  1. Times

    • 12.00pm* Junior Infants (2.00pm from Monday 14th September)
    • 2:00 Senior Infants
    • 3. 00pm All other classes.
  1. Parking

  • TRY not to park along the school wall. Park at the Tennis Courts, the Playground, the Soccer Pitch or GAA Pitch. Walk your child/children to your car.
  1. Social Distancing

  • On the footpath keep 2 metres apart from all other parents and teachers.
  • Parents cannot normally enter the school yard or school building.
  • Parents and visitors will only be allowed to enter the school strictly by appointment. Phone the school secretary from 10am to 2.30pm daily to arrange to speak with a staff member
  1. School gates

  • Pupils will leave the school through the same gate that they used in the morning. Teachers will supervise their departure.
  1. Collecting children

  • NEVER gather in groups outside the school gates at any time.
  • For infant classes: When waiting to collect your child, stand on the painted spots inside the school’s front wall. Remain 2m from other adults.
  • All other classes: Arrange a designated place, away from the school gates, to meet your child (if collecting them).