St. Attracta’s N.S. Quiz team celebrated a great day at the Roscommon Credit Union Quiz at the weekend. 38 schools competed from across the county. St. Attracta’s N.S was in joint first place after the full 12 rounds. It took four tie break rounds between the top two schools – St. Attracta’s N.S and Lisaniskey N.S – for the outright winner, Lisaniskey N.S.  to be settled. We’re so proud of our school quiz team who next compete in the Mayo GAA Cumann na MBunscoil Area Quiz on Wednesday.  
Our great quiz team is pictured here with their coach and teacher Mr. Fearghal Hughes – Elizabeth Forest, Ella Mai Hunt, James Moynihan and Ciarán Lavin. Thank you to their parents who travelled to the quiz. A special thanks to Mr. Hughes for all his work.