Dear Parent and Guardians,

We thank you for your continued support and cooperation as we all work together to minimise the risk of virus transmission in our school.

As you know already, all schools are required to make sure that classrooms are well ventilated as part of their Covid-19 Response Plan. This presents schools with an extra challenge as the weather becomes increasingly colder.  Here is what we do in St. Attracta’s NS to try to achieve a balance between a warm classroom and a well ventilated classroom.

  • Teachers open windows and doors when CO2 monitors turn from green to amber in colour. In classrooms where there are no CO2 monitors, teachers use their judgement to decide when windows and doors need to left open. The Dept. of Education  provided every school  with a limited number of CO2 monitors.
  • HEPA air filters are provided in some classrooms as an additional measure. The school purchased these expensive air filter units with its own funds.
  • For now, the school heating operates from 8.00am to 1.30pm every day throughout the building. This period of heating is extended or reduced as required
  • Teachers give children the option to wear coats in the classroom.
  • Teachers remind children to wear coats during break times.

The school recommends that children wear thermals underneath their school uniforms.

Covid-19 remains a challenge in so many ways for everyone. Together we can all try our best to make the classrooms as comfortable as possible for our children. That said,  the school is also required to do everything it can to minimise the risk of virus transmission in the classrooms.

Thank you again for your understanding and continuing support.

Noel Loftus
