St. Attracta’s Pupil Voice Committee

Comhairle do Ghuth na nDaltaí

Our Pupil Voice Committee provides opportunities for pupils to play an active and positive role in the life of the school.  To that end the Pupil Voice Committee representatives …

  • voice opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life
  • provide a channel of communication within the school among pupils and between the home and the school.

Established in December 2018, the Pupil Voice Committee is still very much in development. Membership consists of three pupils from Fifth class and three pupils from Sixth class. Members are randomly selected. An equal gender balance is maintained.  The six pupils sit on the committee for the school year.

The committee meets regularly. These meetings are guided by an agreed agenda and facilitated by a designated class teacher.

Since 2019-2020 our Pupil Voice Committee and Active Flag Committee supported each other’s work given a common focus on promoting well-being through our wide range of active flag activities.

Christmas Shoe Box 2018

Christmas Shoe box appeal, November 2018


Pupil Voice Committee receive a gift of a Buddy Bench from the Ballaghaderreen Men’s Shed (2018/2019)

Committee members deliberate over many issues relevant to the school. Our main focus is pupil well-being and sport.  Work done by various Pupil Voice Committees has contributed to a range of well-being and sport developments. These included…

  • changes to the school’s Healthy Eating Policy
  • enhancement of our school environment including lining of yards, anti-litter signs, new basketball stands and buddy bench installation
  • development of initiatives to encourage more pupil involvement in physical activity e.g. playground games, lunch break games clubs, 30km in-school fun run

The Pupil Voice Committee is also invited to

  • represent all pupils on formal occasions such as school Open Days
  • support annual fundraisers e.g. Bake Sale, Christmas Shoe Boxes