Dear Parents/ Guardians,

School Closure

As you are aware, schools will be closed until 1 February 2021. This closure is part of the Government’s Level 5 restrictions to contain the transmission of Covid-19.

Remote Learning

From tomorrow, Monday 11th January, we will use online teaching to support your child’s learning. We have contingency plans in place for online learning. All staff had meetings on Thursday and Friday where we made our final preparations. I would like to thank and commend all staff for their readiness for the online learning.

On Monday your child’s class teacher will share more details with you through your child’s Seesaw account or Google Classroom account.

Here is a summary of what online learning will look like in our school during this closure period. The effectiveness of these arrangements will be reviewed by the teachers after two weeks.

  • Every day your child’s class teacher and special education teacher (where relevant) will assign learning assignments using one of two online tools:
    • Seesaw: Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First, Second classes
    • Google Classroom: Third, Fourth Fifth and Sixth classes

Every pupil is already set up on the platforms and should be familiar with them from work done with their class teachers during term 1.

  • Every day your child will be required to complete and submit the assigned work to the teacher. In turn the teacher will provide regular feedback to your child.
  • Online teaching will focus on Maths, English and Irish. Cross curriculum project work will also be assigned to pupils from Fourth to Sixth Class. Active P.E. homework will also be assigned.
  • Your child’s teachers will also use live video Teachers will share more details with you. In summary, the video sessions will be:
    • Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First, Second classes: 1 hour three times per week via Zoom
    • Third, Fourth Fifth and Sixth classes: 1 hour daily two times per week via Google Meet

To help your child and their teachers get the most benefit from the video sessions, your child is expected to the follow the video protocols listed at the end of this message. Failure to do so may mean that your child’s audio or video may be turned off by the teacher.

  • To provide you with some daily structure, your child’s teachers will share a weekly timetable with you that sets out when the different areas of learning will be happen and the times for video sessions.
  • Special Education Teachers will continue to implement their specific learning programmes for the groups of children and individual children they teach. This will normally be done using Seesaw or Google Classroom. Over the next week or so, they will engage with you on what suits best.

Making it all work

Online teaching is challenging for everyone. We all have a responsibility to make it as effective as possible for your child. We ask that you do your very best to facilitate your child to complete and submit the activities set by the class teacher or special education teacher. Make sure that your child participates in the video sessions.

That said, we know families’ circumstances are different. Please contact your child’s class teacher or special education teacher to discuss and emerging concerns. We will work together to respond to the concerns. Please see the contact details below.

Also watch out for messages to you from your child’s teachers. These messages will normally be shared via Seesaw or Google Classroom, or by direct email to you. In some cases, teachers may phone you.

Book Collection

Tomorrow, Monday 11th January,  you will receive a text message from us to remind you when to collect your child’s text books from the school building. The times are set out below. It is important that you collect these books. Your child will be using them as part of their online work.

To comply with Level 5 restrictions, the books will be left in clearly labelled plastic bags in the school yard. To avoid gatherings of people, remain in your car and only enter the school yard when you feel it is safe to do so.

Tuesday 12th January:


Wednesday 13th January:
Junior Infants – 10.00-11.00am_Tues. 12th


Fourth Class – 10.00-11.00am _Wed. 13th
Senior Infants – 11.00-12.00_Tues. 12th


Fifth Class – 11.00 -12.00_Wed. 13th
First Class – 1.00 -2.00pm_Tues. 12th


Sixth Class – 12.00 – 1.00pm_Wed. 13th
Second Class – 2.00 – 3.00pm_Tues. 12th  
Third Class A & Third Class B – 3.00 – 4.00pm_Tues. 12th  


Contact us

For general queries contact or call the school office:  (094) 986 0646 from 9.15-1.30pm.

To email your child’s teachers or principal, use the email addresses listed here or on the school website

To arrange a return phone call from your child’s teacher/s or school principal, contact Ms. Michelle Igoe at 086 793 0566 from 9.20am and 3.00pm. Michelle will forward your message to the relevant teacher who will phone you within a day or so.


General Protocols for Video Sessions

To help your child and their teachers get the most benefit from the video sessions, your child is expected to the follow the protocols listed below. Failure to do so may mean that your child’s audio or video may be turned off by the teacher. Every teacher will explain these and other related rules when your child meets for the first video sessions. For younger children, it will be important that you will be present.

  • The video session is a classroom and the same school behaviour and codes of conduct apply.
  • Ensure that the background visible for the video call is appropriate.
  • Ensure that the room is quiet, safe, public and free from distractions. Please do not use a bedroom. Adults should be close by to help younger pupils stay on task etc.
  • Be dressed appropriately for learning (e.g. no pyjamas)
  • Be on time for the video session.
  • Remain attentive during sessions.
  • Interact patiently and respectfully with teachers and other pupils.
  • You MUST NOT record each other’s online interactions.
  • Make sure you end the session as soon as the teacher indicates to do so and do not

stay in the session after the teacher has left.